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Everything posted by chasfh

  1. Or Hinch intentionally neglected to tell them to get outs because what he really wants is for the Tigers to lose. Million-D chess.
  2. Players win games, managers lose them. 😁
  3. Holy ****ing A. Are we still agitating for Jason Foley to be handed the closer’s role like we were a day or two ago?
  4. Interesting. My wife and I are going on a driving trip, during which we’re going to see a Wednesday game in Erie and a Thursday game in Allentown; then we’re going to see a game the following Thursday in Harrisburg and a Friday game in Toledo. So I will see two and two. This will be interesting.
  5. Man, we are just getting dinked and doinked to death here
  6. I’ve gone back and forth between the game on DirecTV Extra Innings channel 721, and my OTT box’s MLB.tv app. The Extra Innings channel is showing hardly any commercials at the breaks, instead showing those short Baseball Zen vignettes. MLB.tv is showing the same commercials over and over and over, which I assume the Roku app itself is, too.
  7. Also, backup catcher is 1 for 3 with a home run as DH. A.J. Hinch—super genius! 😁
  8. Yeah, Perez is out, and pretty obviously. Kudos to Benetti and Dirks for calling that out right away. I have no respect for many announcers who ummm and ahhh around the obvious because they’re huge homers or afraid of raising the fans’ ire.
  9. BTW, notice the graphics Roku are using? Basically warmed-over MLB Network graphics, but had the Tigers parted ways with Bally the way the Padres and Diamondbacks did, these are exactly the graphics we would be seeing every game as well. Which to me would be a 100% improvement, because I really dislike Bally graphics, especially the 24/7 crawl at the bottom. The only thing I would change with these graphics is, put the score box in the upper right instead of the lower right. Otherwise, I like them.
  10. Very telling moment at the end—Dickerson and Benetti always ask the guest to suggest the next guest for them. Hinch suggested Skubal during the first episode, then Skubal suggested Rogers during the second. When they asked Rogers at the end, he thought for a second and said “Javy Baez”, and there was some chuckling in response. Then Rogers basically said naw, I’m kidding, he would be a hard get. Then he suggested the catching coordinator instead. That tells me a LOT about how Baez might well be regarded by the rest of the team: as basically an island unto himself. One more data point in support of the hypothesis that Javy is on the team, but not of the team.
  11. I have Benetti/Dirks on—how did Dickerson call that Tork bomb on TV? Was he excited like he is on the radio, or did he dial it down for national consumption?
  12. Man, what a gift to Mize who had bases loaded and no outs and gets out of it unscathed because of the Vogelbach line drive/Bichette baserunning screwup. Was Spork out of position on that third out? It was definitely Ibanez’s ball, you know, being hit practically right to him and all. Good PFP instinct by Mize because that had a high chance of going wrong.
  13. Last year the Red Sox went on a nice little run and ended up wearing their City Connects something like nine games in a row. They got an earful from fans and media and changed out of that, mainly because they were reminded how iconic their home whites are.
  14. Jake Rogers made that fourth run happen by recognizing there was no way that bloop gets caught, and then he has a great slide to get in. Arguably the best offensive moment of his career.
  15. Blind squirrel tweets his way into a nut here.
  16. Whoa, wait—why is this? Is this somehow a contractual thing for Benetti?
  17. Four guys with OPS above league average in the lineup, and two of the guys we’re sitting down are also above .700 OPS. Who says we’re scraping the bottom of the table on offense.
  18. Not at all racist, either Interesting to see some in the audience pointedly not clapping
  19. Is ABS flat out calling balls and strikes at A-? I hadn’t heard?
  20. Does Monroe measure what he says more carefully on television because he is afraid of being ridiculed on Twitter?
  21. I don’t think intentionally embarrassing him is going to do any good.
  22. So great. There really is no point on holding back on things at the very end.
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