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Looking for 80s radio or TV games id be willing to pay


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This weekend I was doing some repair work on a couch and had Fidrych's MNB game on youtube and then segued into the Disco Demolition game. Harry Carey was calling for the White Sox so that was fun. It was also interesting to hear the commentator keep referring to the WS as "we" so this isn't exclusively a Hawk thing.

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You could ask around on this site. There is some great stuff on there, and many people with private collection.

I have shoebox full of cassettes from the 1984 and 1985 seasons. Sometimes full games, but more often Paul Carey's post-game with highlights. Or JP McCarthy's highlights the next morning when he'd often interview Sparky Anderson.  Or Eli Zaret giving morning recaps on WRIF, with JJ & the Morning Crew chiming in. One of these days I'll get around to organizing it and making it available somehow. I have something for just about every one of the 162 games in 1984, even if just a few minutes of highlights.

As for Opening Day 1985, I didn't attend but remember how festive it was. People fully expected the Tigers to repeat in 1985 and they did get off to a good start. I have a couple of hours of pre-game coverage (radio) but again, I need to get around to digitalizing it.




Edited by lordstanley
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