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Celestial Excitement

Biff Mayhem

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I'm waiting for the first discovery of Earth 2.0. With the clincher being an atmosphere with water vapor. They haven't yet found (a) a rocky planet, (b) that's in the habitable zone, (c) with a circular or barely elliptical orbit (some discoveries are with huge elliptical orbits), (d) with an orbit that is not 28 days or less (some are orbiting their sun every two days!!!), and lastly and most critically (e) with a water vapor atmosphere...

This is not it yet, but James Webb exoplanet discovery: 


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15 hours ago, Motor City Sonics said:

Explosion in Space today.     Well, not today, but 140 million years ago.  A "perfect" explosion



Misspoke, this happened in 2017, but they have been analyzing it since then and just announced it this week.  So the explosion was 140,000,006 years ago.   

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