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Motown Bombers

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Everything posted by Motown Bombers

  1. This is only the beginning Virginia. Thoughts and prayers.
  2. When it can breathe and you know, live, on it's own.
  3. You can't kill something that isn't alive.
  4. Normally politics wouldn't, but the right is getting crazier and they are moving closer to overturning elections and banning books and making states into Christian caliphates.
  5. Ivanka does have a financial stake in China though. Ivanka was also a government official. Hunter is not.
  6. Since they are unborn babies, does Illinois allow you to claim them as dependents? Does Illinois allow you to use them to collect assistance?
  7. Lets play the imagine if Obama did that game. Imagine if Obama had a picture prominently displayed of himself with Kim Jung Un.
  8. Is Illinois banning books and abortion? Passing voter suppression laws?
  9. Kathy Griffin was also fired from her job and was denounced by most all Democrats.
  10. When I first saw the headline that Harris bought a $375 pot, I was fist pumping the air thinking she bought $375 worth of weed and then became disappointed when she bought cookware.
  11. My sister is starting to get this way. It's still much better than becoming a Trumper. I just realized I made a major error when I didn't realize Eskimo is now cancelled. All I wanted was an Inuit Pie.
  12. I was convinced this was photoshopped satire so I decided to look up the tweet and it still exists and it is real. I will say most of the replies were making fun of the tweet.
  13. They swept the Tigers the last time the Tigers made the playoffs.
  14. Kid Rock is another fraud like Donald Trump. He projects himself as this self made man when in fact he had a very privileged upbringing.
  15. There's a little bit of a difference between looting a Target and disrupting the Democratic process and attempting to kill elected officials and take over the government.
  16. Why do I get the feeling Triggerwarning is the only person that is triggered? Is that the warning? We're being warned he is triggered?
  17. My favorite part of the guided tour was when we went through the garage door in a back entrance.
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