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Everything posted by ewsieg

  1. Again, my only point is that it's a joke and most of you are taking it too seriously, including Kimmel who hopes you can be understanding that joking about things that are bad can be overcome for the right person. I personally feel political affiliation is why you are so upset. So a quick google search, because this Rodgers joke, while a blatant attempt at a joke, wasn't really funny and there was no way no one else didn't try and grab this low hanging fruit. A look, the Late Show did a bit, let's check it out. So obviously Stephen Colbert should be taken off of the air, just like Rodgers should never be allowed to be back on McAfee's show. Crazy that no one seemed to get upset with Colbert....wonder why.
  2. It's always fascinating to me when people can do similar things, yet a persons opinion on if that is ok or not is based on political affiliations. Kimmel can wear black face because he's on our side and he apologized once someone called him out on it. Megyn Kelly seriously didn't realize in high school (many years before Kimmel actually wore blackface) how offensive it was!!!! Who cares that she didn't wear blackface, the fact that she was ignorant about it 25 years ago is intolerable, she needs to be cancelled!
  3. Oh C'mon. I kind of want to say your statement is ridiculous, just as ridiculous as anyone that would back up MTG on that stupid Will Smith joke Kimmel made about her, but then I saw this: Look at the date of this vile tweet. Matches up with when they broke up. Now we know why, because Kimmel saw this and realized he couldn't be with such a disgusting person. Now, I don't know why they have been civil and friendly after this, probably because the network forced them to be, but i'm glad he blackballed her because Pedophillia is not something to joke about. Kimmel has been consistent, so for that alone, he deserves an apology....oh wait... He's married to a women that is advocating for child neglect and he's still with her. Raising kids with her! What, does he think child neglect is funny?!?!?
  4. "The List" has been talked about for years and was a major headline in the last week as we knew it was coming out. It was topical and hence why it was used in a joke. Maybe you're right that it wasn't, what is the harm in assuming it was though. It's not like he said it deadpan on an Oprah interview, it was the Pat McAfee show. I'm not trying to defend, I was just surprised by the uproar from Kimmel, who has made his living making fun and telling jokes about people, i'm sure many which haven't landed well. Kimmel got offended, the nice thing would be for Rodgers to just say sorry. He probably won't because he's a jerk. Still, is it that big of a story that we should all gang up on Rodgers and demand he be sued? Seems like you're the people that are really bothered by this stupid joke.
  5. Not sure what that has to do with anything. MTG is an idiot, everyone on this board agrees with that. Is it OK to joke about hitting women if they are idiots?
  6. So is there a list about things that can be joked about? Violence against women.....yay or nay? Asking as Kimmel joked about violence against MTG. She complained, Kimmel responded that it was just a joke.
  7. I don't think he did, but it was a joke. I hate Rodgers as much as the next person, but Kimmel has been ragging him since Covid started and Rodgers joked back. Kimmel, of all people, should be able to handle a joke. This is the ex-host of the Man Show and one of the few white guys that has survived a black face scandal, you'd think he could handle a joke a little better.
  8. By your black and white view of the world, there would be no peace ever. My quote indicates Russia was serious about finding a way to back out of the war after they realized they ****ed around and found out. Ukraine didn't trust them, we at least agree on that. But that doesn't mean they wouldn't come to an agreement with them. They said they would have needed security agreements and the only ones that they would trust would have had to come from the US and other NATO nations. No indication we even discussed anything like that, instead we sent Johnson in to give a pep rally. I'm not working really hard to try and twist anything, I provided an article from a reputable organization and the source is clearly a Zelensky supporter. He's the one saying they were close to a deal but that it would need security agreements, he's the one that said Johnson came in and urged them to keep fighting. My guess is in the upcoming months after Johnson came in they were pretty confident they made the right call to keep fighting. But now we're years into it and it's not looking bright for Ukraine and simply due to manpower alone, it may not matter if we overload them with equipment. It's bleak in Ukraine and it appears we squandered an opportunity to reach peace earlier. I bolded that part because I need you to realize that i'm not saying there was certain peace and we refused to allow it to happen, i'm saying it looks like we had a legit shot at Ukraine getting land back (pre 2021 at least) and saving countless lives as well.
  9. Zelensky and Ukraine fought back, no one is disputing that. At one point though, the Russian invasion was showing just how incompetent Russia forces were and the head of Zelensky's own party thought they had a drafted peace plan in place when out of nowhere, who should arrive to cheer on Ukraine, Boris Johnson. And if you think he arrived to offer support without the backing of the US, you're kidding yourself. https://www.newsweek.com/russia-offered-end-war-if-ukraine-dropped-nato-bid-kyiv-official-1847373
  10. Drew (of Mike and Drew) was just complaining about seeing them on this tour as they only made it three songs in before stopping the show because Page was so drunk. Song 3 was No Quarter, which only infuriated him more.
  11. https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/biden-ukraine-russia-war-negotiations-rcna131581 If true, a sad, but almost always likely outcome. Well, possibly except for the west pushing Zelensky to actively fight instead of giving up NATO membership which would have saved so many lives and land for Ukraine, but ultimately it worked out best for the US/West and humiliated Russia in front of the whole world which is so much more important.
  12. I have no clue how legitimate JL Partners is so I'm not going to say the poll is worthless. Even from legitimate polling groups I tend to hang an asterisk on their findings if i'm reading it in an article. My 1-2 minute search for published results netted nothing, not sure if that was because they never published it or simply because they are such a small org. Regardless, I read news articles daily from sources I would assume even Pfife would approve off as legitimate sources that cite poll numbers and the poll provider, but not always linking directly back to them. Granted, often they are from major polling organizations where you can easily find that poll if you want to dig into it. To try and redirect to what I hoped to do by posting this article, do you think there is any concern in our young people getting their news from influencers.
  13. I'm not sure what you're saying with the first part. Are you saying people don't bash the media, or at least didn't in the past and it's only the last 30 years of the GOP bashing media? As for the second part, I simply posted something that showed something that I think is concerning, that young people are turning to influencers to get their news off of a platform owned by China. I honestly thought that concern wouldn't be based on political lines. Chuck called out the poll, but before I could even respond it expanded to some Heartland poll which I had to look up to see it's being used to indicate the 2020 election had voter fraud. I wasn't trying to even discuss that. Rather you felt I inferred something about you and Chuck, I simply said I felt like you saw something I posted and immediately went into 'response' mode. Oblong made several good posts, one of which would give credence why you might see numbers like the poll in the article I posted, yet those were allowed to flow through. Guess I will only infer why.
  14. People have bashed the media in this country before we were our own country. That said, the media has not been great the last 20 years and there are a multitude of reasons for that (Internet, the need to be the first to report, proliferation of media sources that cater to one side, loss of local journalist, etc). I feel like Chuck and Pfife are responding less on what i'm trying to say, and more on what they infer my likely "MAGA" thoughts they perceive I have. I'm just saying it's a concern.
  15. I don't always dig for the full source on an article/poll unless there is a dispute about it. As for Heartland, I'm still not sure what that is unless they are a part of this JL Partners polling group. Again, my point and I apologize I used an article that provided a poll, but my point was many younger kids are getting their information through influencers, not journalists. The Bin Laden letters, and their propagation on TikTok, was reported by many reputable news sources and that's where my head was when I posted this which reminded me of that. Rather how much that truly affected the views of users, I won't argue this poll shows that. Still, seems like a concern.
  16. I'm not going to pretend to know how rigorous this poll was, from the dailymail article: I quick google search of that and I see they have done polling work for Theresa May so i'm guessing you won't give it any credence. Even if the numbers are off, my concern and the reason I posted it was the fact that more younger Americans are getting their news from Tik Tok.
  17. https://www.newsnationnow.com/world/gen-z-positive-view-osama-bin-laden/?utm_source=ground.news&utm_medium=referral I apologize if this was posted and I missed it. I heard about this last week but just saw this article.
  18. Ok, just read up on Thomas.... he may deserve the vote. lol
  19. I think you have to go with Millen. I fear Troy Weaver may beat him some day and it looks like Gores will give him the ability to hang on as long as Millen too. I hated Quinn, but it was also short lived. I think both Smith and Avila have some legitimate owner interference issues that didn't help them and we are seeing some players from the Avila era that might make an impact with the Tigers that elevates him, at least from the bottom. I can't speak to Thomas, I really don't know much about it outside of if he was the Lions GM, sometimes after the 1950's, he probably at least deserves to be on this list.
  20. Whelp, hate to break it to you, but tons of racist tropes being spread about immigrants by democrats lately.
  21. Yup, bad answer. I don't think that's simply a north thing either, throughout history you have the basic facts of an issue, and then you can go in depth to learn about how it got to those basic facts. What started WW2, Germany invades Poland, yet you can dig into post WW1 and make strong arguments about steps taken which eventually led to Germany invading Poland. At the root of the Civil War was slavery, if you go in depth though, you can see other issues that played some role as well. For a setting she was in, you can say 'That's a very complex question with many different factors, but slavery was at the heart of it' or go with the more traditional GOP answer of 'That's a very complex question with many different factors, but states rights to have slaves was at the heart of it'.
  22. https://nypost.com/2023/12/27/news/chicago-mayor-sounds-alarm-on-border-country-now-at-stake/ Why are democrats turning on illegals?
  23. I feel like this death should get some recognition in this forum.
  24. While there were differences in them, I feel like Benson eloquently relayed my concerns, that ultimately it would lead to many more questions and possible abuses.
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