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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Nature abhors a vacuum. When nothing can be done about the one, the space gets filled by the other.
  2. the one thing to realize though is that a little bit like trans-national business, science has also become pretty transnational. The scientific community sees all their host governments a piggy banks but also as nuisances at best. They generally have more loyalty to their work than their government - and I would say that is probably true both in China and in the US. No matter where in the world they work all these folks went to many of the same schools, attend the same conferences, work jointly on all kinds of projects inside the same world research culture and publish world wide to the same standards. I think this is generally a good thing. There are researchers in Wuhan right now who have the screws being put them by Beijing and are not liking it either. We should remember they are not our enemy.
  3. Only if he plays bigger. Coffey's problem - at the end of his career was that when the game got tighter he still played too soft. The Wings have some experience with guys that haven't played as big as they grew. That's the only reason I would call being compared to Coffey mixed praise. I don't want a bigger guy that plays like Coffey did for the Wings, I want a bigger guy that plays like Coffey couldn't! So call that semantics if you like.
  4. And I thought he had let himself get out of position on the 2nd goal as well.
  5. 14 pts in 13 games and some home games to go.
  6. Mahomes and Chiefs playing GB without Rogers. Last half of the 2nd quarter has been a total clown show for both teams.
  7. game was already changing by the time Coffey got to Det. Of course he was older too! It would be interesting to see what a young Paul Coffee would do in today high speed NHL.
  8. so someone persuade me that we are better off now with this massive imbalance and scores of bowl games played to empty seats and probably terrible TV ratings, than with the old system where conference winners could all end the year happy and you had bowl games that played to established inter-conference rivalries and actually generated regional fan interest?
  9. yeah - we are still carrying Niko, Garneau, Robson. Bryan Garcia is also a hot mess, though maybe somebody still think he's fixable....
  10. The Chinese are going to run out the clock and we may never know a whole lot more. But '84 is also correct that where it came from doesn't really change anything about where we are now. Two things can both be true - that as genetic techniques get better the research establishment needs effective safeguards, and that the world and our national public health infrastructure needs to be ready for the next one that nature almost certainly will throw at us soon enough. So both possible origins of this bug should be informing policy regardless of which is true.
  11. Terry is old enough now he probably doesn't give a damn. That is the one liberating thing about getting old.
  12. Don't like the Coffey comp. They didn't win a cup until Coffey was gone...🏒
  13. Nix that. McCoskey says today that he has one left.
  14. 10-2 or even 9-3 is a wildly successful season given what the program looked like that the end of last season. That said - it's perfectly fair for its fans to despair over a team that can't beat its traditional rivals. TBH - I don't really care if UM is great football power or not, it doesn't bother me if UM doesn't play in the same playground with the SEC, but it would be more fun to be a fan of a 2nd tier program if they could pull the occasional upset than to get to 10 wins with half being against East Cupcake. 🤷‍♂️ Of course, if they don't figure a competitive NIL system, this year's success, such as it is, may be short lived!
  15. If that is the only point you are trying to make that is a fair enough point. OTOH, there is large space between 'debunked conspiracy theories" and scenarios that are unlikely enough that they should not be dominating our thinking on a given topic - which - until the evidence changes, is where I would put the lab leak hypothesis.
  16. Times change. Views change. Sometimes the law is a little slower? Wikipedia
  17. I've also heard that was the case but apparently it really is not. "Flo" is Stephanie Courtney, who has been married to Scott Kolanach - who is a Theater Lighting Director, since 2008. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephanie_Courtney
  18. He has always been strong on his skates along the boards and all, but he is showing open ice skating flair I don't really remember seeing in the past.
  19. If not his persona, I think the K's will put Baez pretty low on Avila's list. Lowering the team K rate is one of the things I think matters to him.
  20. I don't know how you can read this article carefully and think it does anything to actually support the lab leak theory. It shoots down as many aspects of the theory as it raises. I would also note that this article leads with with Andersen bringing up the Furin site argument, which is exactly the one I cited earlier where people like David Baltimore initially took it as bioengineering evidence and have since abandoned that position in the face of evidence of wild viruses found with Furin cleavage sites. Also note that for all the ink spent on the Darpa proposal - the bottom line is that the work did not go forward. Also note that while the article opens with Andersen portrayed as having been an early lab leak proponent, by the end he is quoted saying : "Alarmingly, their spikes are identical and bind with equal efficiency to human ace2 receptors. The discovery “completely blows away many of the main lab-leak arguments about Yunnan being special,” Andersen said. “These types of viruses are much more widespread than we initially realized" The article also gives you a good reason why the Chinese are stonewalling - either conclusion is bad for Xi - no conclusion is his best outcome. The best way to avoid a conclusion is don't let investigations go forward. What we can say is that there is a definite 'Wild West" aspect of scientific work in China. Strange as it is to say it given that politically China is a very locked down place, they do not have the kind of scientific bureaucratic controls and oversight we do so they may doing a lot of things that people should be worried about - but that in itself is not direct evidence in this case, and note that the ill-advised gain of research on influenza was done by a US researcher! So at the end of the day and even this article, lab-leak is just one competing theory and by most lights, not a particularly likely one. As Andersen put it, Possible -Yes. Plausible?
  21. Your are correct it is easy to be cavalier with language - but I find all the semi-faux secrecy in the NHL irritating so I'm a little cynical about it. Certainly if a player has a problem, deal with it, but it seems only the NHL gives you these nightly kabukis about player availability.
  22. Is that what is going on? We have no idea - he could on a bender or have a sick Mum or they could be playing games avoiding the injured list for all we know. So the answer to your question ends with the "IF".
  23. It would be too simple to have a good player who is not a head case. I just hope it's not going to turn out that we have two players who have become head cases. But FWIW, Blashill doesn't seem to sound frustrated by whatever is going on with Larkin.
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