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06/27/2023 8:10pm EDT Detroit Tigers vs Texas Rangers


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8 hours ago, gehringer_2 said:

I might like to see the Tigers shift some of the emphasis in their team hitting philosophy. The "Get a good pitch to hit" mantra sounds nice, but it can put you in the hole against every pitcher with decent command. It was interesting to hear Pudge last night talk about never worrying about looking for inside/outside/up/down, he said he just saw a strike coming he tried to put his bat on it no matter where it was going. Now Pudge was a great hitter, and he said as much as all hitters can;t hit the same way, but Pudge's approach is one that might give you a better shot in games against good pitching. Too much waiting for perfect pitches doesn't seem to be working for the Tigers even if it makes their peripherals look better than last season.

Overall I liked his appearance in the booth.  It broke up the monotony and he had some nuggets worth listening to.

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8 hours ago, gehringer_2 said:

Rookie mistake - as Monroe rightly noted, ball to left from LHB is going to tail toward the line more.

I think he mentioned something like that earlier in the game.  Something was mentioned about Marisnick following ball spin which was probably moreso following where the bat path was when the ball was hit.  Hands on the inside of a hit pitch meant basically a slice effect.  I like this kind of analysis (even if I did have this bit of understanding before).

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9 hours ago, Jim Cowan said:

I was hoping that Misiewicz would come and go without me learning his first name, like Solak.  Alas, somebody printed it here, it seems to be Anthony.  Which goes with Misiewicz, like, not at all, don't you think?

I don’t know, I think it kind of flows, like, syllabically: ANT-thon-ee Mih-SEH-vich.

Not like we’ll have to commit to memory or anything, though …

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9 hours ago, Tigermojo said:

Guys like Pudge and Miggy can't teach hitting. They have abilities that very few people have ever had and that's why they are in the Hall of Fame.

This is part of why Ted Williams was such a lousy manager: “God damn it, just do it like I do! How ****ing hard is that, jackass!”

The other part is that he hated pitchers and subconsciously wanted even his own to fail.

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1 hour ago, casimir said:

Overall I liked his appearance in the booth.  It broke up the monotony and he had some nuggets worth listening to.

I tuned in briefly to the Rangers broadcast on Extra Innings—because I was having momentary trouble with MLB.tv at the time and I will not tune in to Shep et al under any circumstances—and they had David Clyde on the broadcast. You’re too young, but us older guys will remember the big deal that was made when he went directly from high school to the majors at age 18. He was the first guy I remember seeing on a major league field and thinking, man, I’m almost as old as that guy!

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2 hours ago, casimir said:

I think he mentioned something like that earlier in the game.  Something was mentioned about Marisnick following ball spin which was probably moreso following where the bat path was when the ball was hit.  Hands on the inside of a hit pitch meant basically a slice effect.  I like this kind of analysis (even if I did have this bit of understanding before).

I heard that. Monroe was trying to be a little diplomatic instead of just saying Marisnik (or maybe Shep) was FOS with that particular language. Of course no-one can see actual spin on the ball from 300' away. But credit where due, Craig did get to the correct answer that you are trying to read the flight of the ball (effect of the spin, not the spin itself) off the bat. And in CF you can more easily read the hitters swing -  whether the hitter is inside-outing or pulling the ball before it ever leaves the bat. The one thing I  remember about seeing ball spin the OF is when a liner starts getting closer to where you can see it well and you realize you *can* see stitches - because the ball's not spinning - because it's a damn knuckle ball coming at you and you don't where the hell it might go. 😱

Edited by gehringer_2
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