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Everything posted by Archie

  1. After looking more into this and getting past the democrats vote pandering rhetoric, there could be little change. Instead of a federal law this will be going to the states to decide. All this crap about going after others for gay or interracial marriage etc. is just stupidand fear mongering over nothing. States will, as they should, decide the laws for that state. All of you in Michigan have nothing to worry about because Whitless has pledged her support take do away with the unborn in mass.
  2. Barney, that is the reality. What I posted is 100% true. There are a few reason why a pregnancy should be terminated. Birth control is not one of them. People should be responsible for their actions and when they're not thats on them and not the unborn child. Abortion is made too easy in this country and it shouldn't be. Way more lives are lost to abortion than guns but only guns are bad to the liberals. So very stupid.
  3. I find it interesting that those who are support mass abortion think that a man or woman who have the opportunity to purchase several birth control options aren't responsible for their own bad decisions, but think that a 6 year old is responsible enough to decide their gender at recess. The liberal mind(less) hard at work.
  4. Stop with the nonsense! Race never entered my mind and never does. Thats a liberal thing and one thing you do know is I'm not a liberal. I mentioned them because of their political affiliation. Shame on you for trying to inject race into something. It could be Breyer too because he has nothing to lose.
  5. Maybe they want people to think there's a leak. We don't know if its true but we're taking their word for it. Who knows, maybe this was planned. If it was a leak my money would be on Sotomayor or the new lady. If this turns out to be true and Roe is overturned, both of them will be very unhappy.
  6. I was making the point that when these politicians say they care about women they are hypocrites. It was an example of something they are doing to hurt women. Sometimes you folks here have a problem seeing the whole issue.
  7. I've read a lot of the comments here and some I agree with and some I don't. Mtu is dead on with this comment. Rape, insest and medical issues need to be considered. Telling a rape victim she must carry a child for almost a year after the crime is cruel and unusual punishment. There has to be way to stop the mass abortions and still have it available for certain situations. This is the problem with both sides and the all or nothing mentality.
  8. How many of the senators that support Roe also support males competing in women's sports? This is a political issue. I'm not buying the women's rights rhetoric from the left. They're hypocritical if they think one affects women's rights and the other doesn't.
  9. If Roe v Wade does get overturned it might motivate some dems for a while but as soon as Biden opens his mouth that motivation will go away. I still think the all or nothing on abortion is wrong. The are certain reasons for abortion that should be allowed like medical issues or rape. Abortion as a form of birth control is what should be fixed. There's alot of democrats that say eliminating abortion attacks women's rights. I call BS on that because these are the same people that either pass laws or support men dressed as women to compete in women's athletics. The democrats should start here if they really are concerned about women's rights.
  10. Lavarnway has been doing well in Toledo. I think Haase's days are numbered if he doesn't do something soon. He's not the same guy we saw last year so far this season.
  11. One of the catchers needed to go. Garneau hasn't played any worse than Haase and maybe better.
  12. Hinch leaves an outfielder on the bench so the back up catcher can play LF. I will never under this thinking.
  13. I would like to see Brieske get a few more starts but I like what we've seen so far. He just needs to stop with the lead off HR. The way things go for the Tigers he will probably need TJ surgery in the next two or three weeks or he will step in a hole and blow a knee out.
  14. The big misconception or better yet the big lie from the left is this is all about race. Race doesn't play any part in it at all. Zero....None! Racism accusations from the left is very common and their first line of defense when they have no other way of disputing an issue. I have no problem with immigration as long as people follow our laws to enter the country. Illegals are a burden to the taxpayers and danger to the citizens of the US. Since Slo Joe has been in office and sent the invitation out we have had millions of illegals cross the border and been sent around the country by this administration. Biden has put a heavy financial burden on the country and endangered all of us including our children. Its no wonder why there are so many firearm sales and so many people carry guns where ever they go. I don't blame them.
  15. It wasn't a country yet, there were no borders, laws or immigration. The anti American crowd always wants to go back to Columbus, the Mayflower or the Native Americans to try to justify their desire to destroy the US with illegal aliens and open borders. Sorry buy Americans don't buy that line of BS.
  16. There's a big difference between immigrants and criminals that storm the open border and invade the US. They're called illegal aliens for a reason. They're not immigrants.
  17. Yeah that's my mistake I thought anyone here would care. Only people that care about this country and the future of the US would be concerned about the invasion of the US through the southern border. I'm sorry for interrupting your non-stop worrying about what Donald Trump is doing today and how to cover for the latest democrat disaster.
  18. Mayorkas was beaten down pretty good yesterday and he deserved every bit of it. He was asked if the 42 people caught entering the US illegally that are on the Terror Watch list had been released in the the US. His answer was that he didn't know. One Congressman called Mayorkas a traitor and compared him to Benedict Arnold. Mayorkas response is that he was offended and was proud of his service to the country. The damage he and his boss are doing to the US is irrepairable and he's offended. Too bad demented Joe wasn't there to feel the pain too since these are his policies. He probably was napping or couldn't find the room. https://www.cbsnews.com/video/homeland-security-secretary-alejandro-mayorkas-faces-heated-questions-from-republicans/
  19. Victor does a decent job in the field. I think people question him because he doesn't look real smooth on the defensive plays. I would go with a four player rotation in the OF. That would be Baddoo, Meadows, Hill and Grossman and stop playing back up catchers and utility infielders. When Victor comes back I would probably send Baddoo down or better yet do we really need three catchers? Hill is probably the best defensive OF on the team and he has had mostly good at bats since he's been back.
  20. Once again all of this is on Hinch. I'm really starting to doubt his ability as a manager. Does he know how to play outfielders? He must think he can stick anyone out there and it will be fine. First we watch Haase botch outfield plays now Wily. I know not everyone is a Willy Mays but come on this is ridiculous.
  21. I'm just getting frustrated with the managerial desions with the line up and even the batting order. It reminds me of a little league team where a manager plays his buddies kids and not the best players. I don't blame Haase but the person who played him there. You're right that an experienced OF would have made that play so he should be in the game instead of a catcher playing LF.
  22. Hill is sitting on the bench while we continue to watch a circus in the outfield.
  23. I've conversed with some people just like the person on the right 😁
  24. Was the gun legal? Since this is in the middle of a liberal cesspool I have my doubt? Even if it is illegal it shouldn't be accesable to anyone but the owner. So you would be happy if all responsible and legal firearm owner had their firearms taken away? That would be very communist of you but would be a big hit with your fellow commies AKA liberals. That way the criminals would have the upper hand like they do in other countries. See the attached article. Now the Biden or whoever is running the country is going to make the border open more to illegals everyone needs to find a way to defend themselves against the crime the democrats will be bringing to the country. https://metro.co.uk/2018/04/08/pensioner-fatally-stabbed-burglar-goes-hiding-fears-revenge-attack-7449734/
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