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Everything posted by Netnerd

  1. I met them both in Lakeland years ago, and they were both wonderful. They are missed.
  2. This guy is as Trumpy as it gets. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. He’s been in our local news for years.
  3. Starting the New Year on the left foot, apparently.
  4. My year-old grandson came home from daycare with this treasure.
  5. Insightful question. McCain’s choosing Sarah Palin did me in. GW Bush was hard enough to take seriously. Ever since Palin it’s been a parade of clowns from the GOP. We’ll see if we’ve hit bottom yet.
  6. Hmm… sounds like our Iowa US senate race, except our colonel is a Navy admiral.
  7. This. Exactly. MAGA talking heads blame Biden but never give reasons. We’d be in the same mess if Trump had won. It’s the one, small reason I’d like to see Trump in office again. Instead of coasting on good momentum he’d fail miserably trying to actually fix stuff.
  8. This is the same guy who falsely claimed to be assaulted in a Sioux Falls hotel elevator in 2021, so there’s that. Sounds like the FBI might have confirmed this one, though. Hardees in Mankato? I’ve been there. What a dive. What I don’t understand is why such a good Republican wasn’t at Pizza Ranch.
  9. It might not work, but at least it’s proper. I’ll hold more respect for this than militant religiosity.
  10. Be aware- I think this is a cut-and-paste job; a video version of photoshopping.
  11. He’d have felt better if he had a ketchup covered plate to throw.
  12. If this had succeeded… That must remain in the forefront of all responses to this. Trump regaining power means the end of this nation. He must be held accountable.
  13. Not sure that was an accomplishment, though. Joe Biden was the default, less bad than TFG. I think TFG won Biden's election for him. "Anyone But Trump" was a sizeable chunk of Biden's winning majority, I suspect.
  14. I followed the thread on the old site, too. I’m losing hope that a critical mass of “normal” exists in the USA - or that it ever will in my lifetime. I used to find this thread amusing, still hoping that sensibility would prevail. I hoped enough people would imagine what this country would’ve looked like if January 6 had succeeded. (Who would want THAT mob to be in charge?) It was amusing. I feel more futility now. Do we have what it takes as a nation to call out this crap?
  15. We’ve been scrubbing Aisle Lunatic in this thread since September 2021. I’m losing hope it’ll ever come clean.
  16. I hate it when people think it’s a door jam. Door jamb. just trying to help.
  17. Even the cartoon is a one-sided “conversation.” Interesting that you see yourself in this picture, sir.
  18. April 28. I’ll be at that game and I hope to see it.
  19. Really? "I know you are but what am I?"
  20. I’m not twisting your words. You stated a principle by which you claim to abide.
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