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Everything posted by slothfacekilla

  1. Grand Rapids is in town twice including a Sunday that is a Pucks and Paws night (guessing people can bring their dog?) which I think I'll go to.
  2. Hopefully no one minds moving on to this thread with the game tonight. This was pretty funny to read:
  3. No we don't but just trying to find some positives. Hopefully Vrana comes back strong and the young guys take steps forward so we get some watchable hockey.
  4. A bit surprised they didn't sign him with the Vrana injury but I am more than okay with it.
  5. Apparently the default subtitle is English (CC) which often is a looser translation that differs on who is doing the translated, where it is coming from, etc. Make sure to switch it to English without the CC and the translation is supposed to be much more accurate and based off the script. I guess they still Americanize a few things for the translation but it is way better. I heard the English dub is TERRIBLE but I never watch dubs.
  6. Picked up tickets to see the Wings when they're in town to play the Kings in January, very excited! T-bone era on hold:
  7. I thought Sebrango looked decent in the prospect torunament and he stood up and fought when the goons were taking runs at people. Interested to see how he develops as a bottom pairing guy.
  8. It is so insane I love it! Is there a way to do spoilers on this new board? Was going to talk about the episode we just watched but I don't want to spoil anything
  9. Even though some of this game is ugly man this power play looks SO much better. Thank you Alex Tanguay.
  10. Seider from Zadina on the power play! Ryan scored on the pp as well, Raymand got an assist on that one
  11. No clue what happened but the Wings went down 3-0 really quickly tonight, sheesh
  12. Ah alright definitely missed that quote thanks @gehringer_2 I thought I saw that he was cleared to play somewhere so I was surprised to see he wasn't dressing but I may have misread.
  13. Should be Ballys and whatever their overflow channel is Ballys+ (?) but if you are not in the blackout area then ESPN+ is your place (if you use a vpn than ESPN+ can always be your place). We could talk not in public about other methods if needed 😉
  14. I would hope he would see situations like Archibald and get the vaccine for selfish reasons so he doesn't throw a ton of money away at the very least, but who knows.
  15. We are 4 episodes into Squid Game and I am addicted to it. I mistakenly thought it was a reality game show at first so I was realllllyyyy confused at first. It does have some moments where you question how the hell things are happening or there seem to be some plot holes, but otherwise the show is so compelling to me that I don't really worry about them for long and just go for the ride. Although apparently Netflix's subtitles (it is a Korean series) are apparently REALLY badly translated so that might be part of the plot holes I am seeing. One rule of the games really confused me with how it played out in the show but apparently it is because one of the words in the rule was badly mistranslated. I still can't wait to dive back in and see where the hell it is going.
  16. No Bertuzzi tonight, not sure if it is injury management or other reasoning.
  17. I found it kinda fun! It was nice seeing the kids play big minutes and seeing Larkin play was good. Awood put together some good highlights: I really hope Raymond makes the team
  18. Frolunda has some injuries so Elmer is seeing bigger minutes, hopefully he does well
  19. Ha! He had a bad giveaway and then seemed kinda blah the rest of the game, tough to see. Hopefully he starts to get some of these power play set ups to go in and gets some confidence going. It took me way too long to realize that they were just using the radio pbp and the Jumbotron video feed. No wonder the graphics were so intrusive! Thought that it was a fun game to watch all things considered though.
  20. Every time the graphics block the play I want to throw my laptop through a window. Seider and Raymond look pretty good out there in my opinion. Zadina looking not good.
  21. Watching Leddy is already fun! Ned made a nice save too, been feeling kind of nervous about him lately.
  22. Game streaming here not YouTube https://www.nhl.com/redwings/fans/gameday
  23. Looking forward to seeing Leddy/Seider, Suter, Raymond, Veleno, and Zadina. If someone tries to touch Raymond hopefully Witter is on them! The game should be broadcast on the Wings' youtube. LDN with a nice shot:
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