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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Tigers will be fine if the team that showed up against the DBacks shows up the rest of the way rather than that team that came out to play the Fish.
  2. Manning's stuff can be pretty good, but he can't seem to pitch at his best level with any consistency. Some guys see their consistency improve with more innings and with all his injuries, the lost yr etc., Manning is still under 700 IP for his total pro career and he was not a college guy, so I wouldn't necessarily be in a hurry to sell low, but he's a good fit for doing what he's doing and building his innings for this season.
  3. The plain truth is that the police cannot exist in a society prone to violence *and* and an armed population. It just can't work. The police cannot, will not, and can't reasonably be expected to give a presumption of their own safety in this society when facing an armed citizen - the infamous trope "shoot first and ask questions later" is always going to apply. That's the ultimate fly in the ointment. The Swiss may be armed, but the US isn't Switzerland, the cops there don't have reasonable fear of shots coming through the door when they knock that they do here. We can dream that every cop has the training of a ninja, the reflexes of a cat, and the sagacity of Buddha that enable him to assess every situation with perfect equanimity and skill, but a dream is all that will ever be. We just saw mashalls killed on their way to the door trying to serve a warrant the other day. Argue the fine points of law any way you want, that won't change that we have created a situation where tragedy is always the most likely outcome. And the only way out of it is fewer guns. A lot fewer guns. So many fewer guns that the police can stop seeing mortal threat level in every citizen.
  4. Chopper flying in the fog in the mountains? Sounds like the Kobe Bryant crash part Duex, though In that part of the world you never know.
  5. Have no idea what Hinch was talking about with Manning after the game. Sort of rambled around without ever getting to, 'his command wasn't great' which was what ruined his day.
  6. the Halos have fans, questionable if they still have any happy ones after the last 6 months.
  7. Tork won't be a great hitter until he stops having ABs like that. Put himself in the hole taking a FB for a strike when the Tigers needed a base runner more than a HR.
  8. Manning not hitting the corners with the FB at all, everything is middle middle.
  9. Not necessarily a bad thing, so does Mike Trout.
  10. The TJ was in college, the more recent one was not TJ per se, it was a procedure on a different tendon but I'm not sure (don't think) it was as involved as a transplant - but don't know for sure... When we signed Anibal Sanchez I kept waiting for him to self-destruct having have two TJs, but he ended up pitching a long time - so you never know - though IIRC didn't pitch deep into games much.
  11. Javy has stopped worrying about whether he's swinging at strikes. At least of two his hits have been on balls tonight.
  12. If Tork had hit that in Detroit you'd be hearing the sound of wailing and gnashing of teeth about the ballpark about now....
  13. If I told you on opening day that the Tigers would have one 900 OPS hitter on May 18, how many votes would have been Wenceel Perez?
  14. And no rhythm. I was hollering at the screen for him to jsut slow down on that last pitch...
  15. Moreno needs to buy the ump dinner for that single.
  16. they've had some tough plays, but still, so far in this series the DB OFs need clown music.
  17. they are going to turn Perez around. Hopefully a mistake - for them.
  18. Kelly gets jammed and fights it off. Tie game.
  19. What possible thought process could have led to Keith thinking he was going to get a FB on 0-1? They are going to have to resign themselves to hitting a pitchers pitch early because he's not making many mistakes.
  20. Their proposal to change that dumb rule has been stuck in the league office all season.
  21. both guys pitching well, but still, you have an ump giving away 6" outside again and it makes it almost impossible for the hitters if the pitchers are even close to good.
  22. It's just not that hard to let people be. It's a bit odd historically - the original of the three 'Abrahamic' religions doesn't proselytize at all - Jews have never been interested in forcing other people to convert to Judisam, though they will welcome you if you do. Christianity and Islam both missed the boat on that part of the inheritance.
  23. I will come back again to the campaign money issue. You've always had venal, self-flating, ambitious people run for office, but when they had to do it by actually working for their their district, it keep them pinned tighter to doing useful public service. But with the way money and politics and corporate PAC support works now, you get the same venal, self-inflating, ambitious people, and all they have to do is appeal to Rupert Murdoch or Charles Koch or whoever is willing to write a 7 figure check. (you used to be able to put unions in the list on the other side, but they just don't have near the clout they used to). That sort of removes the brakes on the taxi of state.
  24. I guess I don't even care if a person want to say in public that Vatican II was a heresy (I see you Ross Douthat!), you cross the line as soon as you project that you are judging or invalidating someone else's choice for themselves, whether you do it for religious grounds or atheistic philosophy grounds. You can tie this right to what is so wrong about Alito on the SCOTUS (and Scalia before him, whose son was an RC priest IIRC). He seems to think his view of proper RC/Christian history and culture should have some currency to decide what other people do with their lives. If he wants to live that life, fine, but leave it at the courtroom door or find a new line of work for the sake of the rest of us.
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