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Everything posted by IdahoBert

  1. What I like about living in the west is that you feel like you’re driving in a convertible all the time. When I lived in the Midwest, the horizon was a hazy tree line nearby, and the clouds seem to be much lower in the sky for some reason. Out here the sky is so expansive it affects me internally. It’s like living in the Sound of Music.
  2. I don’t like the rain that much. When I was going to Purdue in 1970 our college newspaper, the Exponent, ran an article that Auburn had the lowest precipitation in the entire state, and my feeling was that it rained all the time in Auburn. What I like about where I live in Boise Idaho is that the neighborhoods here remind me of where I grew up in Indiana, but there’s low humidity and there’s mountains on the horizon right outside of town. They give me a sense of dimension and possibility that I never felt living in the Midwest.
  3. A cloudy 45° for both games. New York has had almost 2 inches of rain in the last 24 hours. Since I’ve lived in arid desert regions for the last 50+ years that’s 15% to 20% of all the precipitation I’m used to seeing in a whole year. Wow.
  4. I think the Tigers will win both ends of this doubleheader tomorrow, and I predict that Manning will toss 7 innings of no-hit ball and be pulled after 93 pitches.
  5. High winds, flood warnings, oh my!
  6. Was it Todd Jones who donned a wig and ran the bases during one of those postseason games with the Yankees that was momentarily in abeyance? I found the photo. This is my favorite rain delay photo ever.
  7. Maybe the game will get canceled early and Chris will send the whole team to a Broadway show.
  8. I think I’m getting over this guy on second base in an extra innings thing if they can score 5 runs every time.
  9. Hello DL? It’s not like any of these guys are Mickey Lolich anymore.
  10. In the first inning, he was pitching so tightly inside I thought he was trying to do circumcisions.
  11. It’s a shame the Tigers aren’t playing in Kansas City tonight. There’s a tornado warning for KC until 11 PM central time. Worrying about a tornado would be a nice change of pace.
  12. When I hear the word “New York“ I think of the Yankees and reach for my revolver. My mistake. It’s a reflex.
  13. Are the Yankees going to play dirty tricks like they did during the playoffs against us years ago because of the rain? Are they going to make our players strip down naked and run the bases in the rain and snap their butts with a towel like they did last time? That was poor sportsmanship on their part. I’m glad we beat them.
  14. I feel like the accumulated toxins from the past are being flushed out of my system in a Gwyneth Paltrow sort of way.
  15. This is one of the best endorphin rushes I’ve had in a long time.
  16. That’s kind of you. I’ve been AWOL for a while, but I’m trying to get over my bad attitude so I might be popping in more often than I have.
  17. I’ve been hanging out in different iterations of this place for 20 years. Thank you everyone — especially Scoot — for making it possible and delightful.
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