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Everything posted by IdahoBert

  1. Tork and Baez both did well hitting in the split squad games today against the Yankees and the Blue Jays, each of which the Tigers won by scoring 10 runs or more. I hope the alchemy of the analytic synergy being produced this spring extends into the regular season.
  2. It looks like Mize was able to get through 59 pitches and his arm didn’t fall off.
  3. Has Joe Morgan yet denied that Jobe hit 102 mph?
  4. Baez got his first hit of the spring. when it happened, I felt the Earth wobble on its axis.
  5. I worry that Riley Greene is a benign version of Mr. Glass. Fortunately, the world doesn’t revolve around my worries, but as soon as he was out of the lineup the team did seem to collapse for a while, so he is an essential part of the synergy of this club.
  6. It’s nice to know that I can come here and experience smart people saying intelligent things. This is the only place I really need to go to to learn more about the Tigers. This place is like a page for connoisseurs of the Studebaker Avanti. There aren’t a lot of us, but the people who are here really know their ****. I’m grateful that through all these years, Scott has still kept this place going in one way or another. Thank you, all of you.
  7. That almost qualifies as “young stuff” in my book.
  8. Colt Keith will be Ty Cobb with power while possessing a better public relations sense.
  9. This team might be interesting enough this year for me to crawl out of my survivalist bunker, shed my camo, and pay attention to what’s going on around me.
  10. He’s like Sally Field at the Oscars. They must really really like him. Maybe he’s one of those generational stars so they feel certain enough to do this.
  11. I’m so happy, especially happy for all my friends in Detroit who grew up there that I’ve hung out with, people I know through this site, face-to-face, and only online. This is a great day. I feel like Tiny Tim. God bless us everyone
  12. I’m starting to get ever so cautiously optimistic about this team. But I’m worried that it’ll be like you are nine years old and you think you’re going to get a new bike for Christmas from Grandma but instead you get a framed portrait of her. The movement on pitching is interesting and it looks promising. I just hope there are guys who know how to hit the ball. This hitting the ball thing is pretty important too. Please hit the ball a lot.
  13. I think it’s a good idea to wait and see how things shake out. As if Mike’s children need any more grist for their mill about overspending on free agents, the name Javier Báez comes to mind. I remember when we got Fielder and thought that the sky would be the limit and it wasn’t. Same thing with Gary Sheffield. Somehow, adding one big name to the roster doesn’t add up to a lot, whereas the synergy of adding a bunch of lesser guys who perform above average does.
  14. He’s used to LA, it’s a winning organization with a tremendous tradition, they’re paying him $70 million a year, it’s pretty much a no-brainer.
  15. I didn’t even bother doing MLB TV the last two seasons because I couldn’t get it to sync the radio audio with the TV audio to drown out Shep. Having Dan doing TV 35 games a year is a real plus too. This is the equivalent of the sun shining and birds chirping on a winter’s day for me. It’s like being Sally Field at the Oscars. The Tigers must really like us. EDIT: I just listened to him talk about having cerebral palsy. This is a real person. He’s not just a voice or a guy in a suit. He has substance. Good or bad as a team, it’s going to be more pleasant having the Detroit Tigers back in my life again because of Jason Benetti.
  16. My former spouse sat next to Will Venable’s mother on a several hour flight to DC a few months ago so at least she’s happy the Rangers won. And the better team did win and it was an AL team although I don’t really give a crap about that anymore. With all the interleague games, the two leagues seem pretty much identical to me. I used to feel a sense of participation and identification, when the AL won the All-Star game or the World Series but no more. Maybe I just grew up. Finally. I hope we’re the better team that wins the World Series next year. After all, all sorts of teams have risen from the ashes lately and I’m still hopelessly addicted to this club so it could happen.
  17. Oh my heck. This might be the only off-season in a long time I’ve actually been interested in. My busy schedule of partying with ladies swimwear models and movie stars doesn’t usually leave much time for the off-season. But I am prepared to be disappointed. I’m not qualified to speculate about anything, except for the possibility of being disappointed.
  18. According to a friend of mine, who lives in Arizona, they’re not that big of a deal even in Phoenix. I find this hard to believe, but my friend still lives in Tucson and has been there for 50 years and although that’s not Phoenix he’s a lot closer to the situation than I am. Everyone living in Phoenix — or almost everyone — is from someplace else. It’s not like it has a stable cross generational fanbase like the Tigers.
  19. Since 1958 the Braves have been in the postseason 25 times and have only won 2 World Series. Technically, the Tigers are a less frustrating team because they have won two World Series since 1968 and have provided less frustration for the fan base. But the Braves do make the regular season more fun.
  20. I would be fine if Mario and Rod both came back with the provision that once a week Rod and Mario would take turns making the other wear a dress. I think this would drain off the tension in their relationship There would be plenty of opportunities for non-violent revenge and they would figure out after a while how to get along.
  21. I had such an unprecedentedly bad attitude about the team this year that I never bought TV or even radio to follow games. Not having the Tigers or all of you as a part of my life was an uncommon experience, and I hope this next season brings out the better more hopeful side of me, and the prospect of a better TV crew excites me. The way Harris cobbled the team together this year gives me hope, and I also hope that Riley Greene can stop getting hurt. I have never lived in Detroit, and I am only by the most generous definition of the term, even Detroitish from a distance. I usually hate the off-season and I might actually follow it this year. SPACE…
  22. I just remember being crestfallen when he didn’t get up. One of my other great TV memories is when the Tigers were playing the Yankees in Yankee stadium and the bases were loaded and Hank Aguirre came up, and the Yankees were insulting toward him and they pulled the outfielders into the infield and he hit a ball over their heads and it rolled to the monuments and he got a triple
  23. He also broke his collarbone in the outfield in 63 or 64. I remember watching it happen on TV.
  24. Those Lions fans still in the stands look excited enough to turn over cars in the parking lot
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