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Everything posted by Mr.TaterSalad

  1. He signed for 1 year at $5 million with Carolina last offseason. Reynolds made around $3 million a season with us on the two year deal he signed. I'd ideally like to keep Chark under the $5 million mark, but wouldn't be opposed to having him in here on another 1 year deal.
  2. We are going to need a WR #3 because I don't think Raymond or DPJ adequate replacements for Reynolds. As much as I would prefer a CB in round 1 now with Sutton off the team, I wouldn't be opposed to taking someone like a Keon Coleman at pick #29. And if a WR is their BPA on the board and a culture fit, I could see them taking one at #29.
  3. He says in the video he has "many" Bibles in his home and it is his favorite book. GET THE **** OUT! He couldn't even quote his favorite chapter and verse correctly. 2 Corinthians, LOL!
  4. We needed a win that we didn't get. I can't believe this time last month we had 9 points in hand and were set to make the playoffs. Now, we let a win slip away and the end of our season grows nearer. This really sucks to watch.
  5. Am I the only one that finds it weird that George W. Bush designed the new Lions uniforms?
  6. I know this isn't safe at all and someone got injured doing it, but as a kid I loved the XFL opening scramble and found it way more competitive than the flip of a coin. It's too bad it simply isn't safe to do.
  7. https://www.btselem.org/settler_violence We're not supposed to talk about Israeli settler violence. Those people aren't terrorists, their mere settlers, house hunters looking for a place on Zillow. Well, looking for a place on Zillow and armed with guns and bulldozers.
  8. I think this is more likely the case. I think Sneed may well be the better CB. But they don't think he's enough of an upgrade to warrant what he signed for. Were it up to me, I wouldn't have traded for either Sneed or Davis, I would have signed Kendall Fuller for what Miami did. That said, given the cost of only Sneed or Davis I'd have chosen Sneed. I don't think Davis will resign with us for substantially less than what Sneed just signed for. In any case, I'm fine with Davis as I have enough faith in Holmes and this regime to get it right in the end, even if they whiffed of CBs last offseason.
  9. AP: Famine is said to be imminent in northern Gaza as Israel raids the main hospital again Jewish Trump and his IDF are now creating a famine in Gaza. If they don't kill people by just outright bombing them back to the stoneage then they'll starve them to death. Hard to believe these are God's chosen people no less.
  10. Because they have Trent McDuffie and other salary cap limitations presumably. Why didn't Tampa Bay keep Davis and offer us Dean instead?
  11. Trent McDuffie is better than Sneed, but that doesn't mean Sneed isn't a #1 corner just because they have someone in McDuffie who is even better. If Carlton Davis is the same quality or caliber player as Sneed is than presumably both he as a player and his agent will recognize that and ask for a contract similar to Sneed's.
  12. If Carlton Davis is a similar quality player to L'Jarius Sneed, but is going to sign for substantially less than Sneed did, shouldn't Davis fire his agent and get a new one? Why on Earth would Davis, who has a similar value as Sneed, sign for substantially less than Sneed did?
  13. If $19 million APY and $55mil guaranteed is too rich for a true CB1 then I expect Davis to sign for somewhere around $15-$16mil per year with significantly less guaranteed money.
  14. So how much less of a cap hit do you think Davis signs for compared to Sneed?
  15. What do you think Carlton Davis, who fetched the same trade value, is going to ask for next offseason? With an increasing cap, if he plays well this year, you think he's asking for much less than Sneed?
  16. I'm gonna be sick. Sneed got traded for a third round pick to the lowly Titans. I lost certainly would have made that deal. Damn.
  17. I think there are a lot of players previous regimes drafted that Holmes and Campbell would never touch. TerryFair, Charles Rogers, Mike Williams, Jordan Dizon, Suh, Nick Fairley, Eric Ebron.
  18. Would Chris Collins from Northwestern be an underwhelming hire? He's taken one of the hardest schools to recruit at to the tourny 3 times. Grants, he's won next to nothing when he has made it there.
  19. When Titus Young sucker punched Louis Delmas in the locker room years back was he released right after the incident? Did the Lions recoup any of the money/cap hit for him having violated any type of conduct clause in his contract? I suppose I could just Google this. But I remember Young being cut right after the incident but don't remember the cap ramifications.
  20. If Sutton blows out his ACL running from the police do you think Brad Holmes would be interested in him again?
  21. I know it was always unlikely to happen for whatever reason, but, does this Cam Sutton situation make Brad Holmes reconsider trading for L'Jarius Sneed in any way, shape, or form?
  22. There was no point in OJ fleeing like that since he "didn't do it" anyways.
  23. We'd be easily 5-6 behind where we are now if Stevie hadn't brought Kane in. This team without Patrick Kane would be well out of playoff contention were he not here.
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