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Everything posted by oblong

  1. I think making a joke about a former sitting POTUS and Senator both getting assassinated is enough for some kind of official rebuke from the US Congress.
  2. This is some repugnant **** right here from a sitting member of congress.
  3. Colt Keith sounds like the bad guy in an 80's teen movie
  4. Carson Kelly, at the plate, looks like a pitcher batting.... as in "I don't do this that often but in High School this is what I did and I mashed pretty good so I'll do that here..."
  5. I'm open to the idea that he does indeed have some kind of brain damage and his mental congnition and function are detiorated and altered.... kind of like an old NFL quarterback or NHL brawler. But that's when the family steps in and prevents him from being taken advantage of.
  6. how the hell can Cheryl Hines be married to that guy?
  7. So of the living GOP ticket nominees I figure Palin is the only blatant Trump supporter. You’ve got Quayle, Dubya, Cheney, Palin, Romney, Ryan, and Pence.
  8. oblong

    MAP PR0N!

    Time zones converging on Antarctica.
  9. Ramirez thrown out at 3B but his helmet came off while sliding and almost caused him to be safe as Vierling first tagged that after it was off his head. My question is couldn’t you still consider that part of the player? He slid head first and in the bounce it came off.
  10. I wish he could be removed from SpaceX.
  11. Wonder if the defense will argue "It's not a campaign necessity to pay her off because everybody knows he's a womanizer and had sex with a lot of people and cheated on his wives, yada yada yada, and he was still elected in '16 and is the presumptive nominee 8 years later"
  12. I worked in Livonia so I know. I served on a jury and during questioning the judge asked about trusting cops or feeling targeted. A black man, wearing scrubs said yes and stated "I work in Livonia at a labratory and get off work at 1:30 in the morning"
  13. much like the act itself... "just get it over with and be done as soon as possible"
  14. I am not sure on giving a guy like him a long term deal. I was surprised he got the money he did so that shows what I know. I was never high on the guy. I think he fits in when he’s among talent but not a key guy. The Tigers were bent on tearing it down despite what they say.
  15. Why didn’t carpenter go to 3B on Tork’s squibbler once he threw to first?
  16. I did. Once during a pregame if locked up. It’s also behind. I got the notification on my phone before the game ended.
  17. Who else should they have taken?
  18. I mean... a Kennedy reaching out to a guy blackballed and charged for sexual issues... shocking.
  19. Too bad OJ died... I was holding out until I found out what he had to say
  20. more of this please... what I'd really like to see is former cabinet level members but I doubt that would happen.
  21. I offer up that it's a combination of her upbringing and some kind of mental instability. When you can't be normal in your formative years it has an effect. She's symbolic in a lot of ways and maybe represents the end point of adults being able to abuse child stars in that way. Abuse comes in many forms and even the center of it all surrounded by adults can be affected.
  22. The thing with Tork is sure a puzzle but I'm not sure what can be done. Anything a writer or person twitter or the internet can say or offer is obviously already known to the team and to him. Sometimes the body can't or won't do what it needs to do. Hitting is hard.
  23. They are going to ****ing wear them every Friday? Damn. I have the Friday ticket package. That said.... I probably like them better than the current home unis. I wonder if they rip when sliding?
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