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Everything posted by oblong

  1. And what problem does it solve? York’s position as a 1:1 is meaningless now. He’s the 1B for the time being. This year is about finding out which of these guys can play. Not just him but everybody. Of all the slots to fill going forward 1B and DH are not a concern for me. Once they get their definitive answer it will be done.
  2. and clips of it will show up on tiktok and reels and youtube shorts. That's how people under 30 get their information.
  3. That will reach more people. I love that he's doing Stern. He's flipping off the NYT.
  4. I also wonder if people with season tickets stay away due to the increase in parking prices. They let us turn in games ahead of time if we know we aren't going. Some might say "Why bother?" Prices are pretty high this week and they are blocking street parking. I found a lot for $15 but then found out my son's parking pass for school works. He used it yesterday so we're going with that.
  5. I'll be at this one. Going to be nuts down there with the draft stuff going on. I can't wait to see it. I wonder if any of hte out of town folks will decide to use the game to fill a few hours? Tigers should have had a special promotion, like $10 for OF or upper deck seats.
  6. “Mr. Biden has granted far fewer press conferences and sit-down interviews with independent journalists than virtually all of his predecessors. “ what does the use of “virtual” mean jn this context? I hate when people use it like this. It’s like you want to say something that isn’t true but figure throwing in “virtual” lets you say it anyway.
  7. I’m guessing the picks are spaced out intentionally because this, like all sports, is a TV affair and they have sold commercials based on specific time slots.
  8. oblong

    MAP PR0N!

    I wonder if the decline in usage of the word pop is related to a decline in drinking it in the predominant region?
  9. They will do what benefits him the most. I am expecting no other outcome. It's their duty as Federalist Society Members.
  10. He had multiple convictions though so this only affects one of them. He's still staying on Rikers and getting pounded probably.
  11. I can't wait to see how Thomas votes though.
  12. I'm hoping the off day for the Tigers on Thursday, while home, will help them in some way. They've had a screwy schedule so far with rainouts and double headers... if they hit well this weekend I will say that's why. If they don't then forget what I said.
  13. In 1987 I was playing baseball. 8th grade. The field we used was in a neighborhood, not on school grounds. I was up to bat and a car went by blaring that with the windows down. I hit a triple and the car was going by right as I slid into 3B. I never forgot that and think about it every time I hear the song.
  14. are these papers relevant anymore when it comes to politics?
  15. a lot of local radio guys on Twitter were talking about this yesterday in such a way that the lack of a NC during the consolidation period would have been game changers. When one station did their mass firings those guys couldn't work elsewhere even though another station might have wanted them. It's a back scratching exercise. I see it as a form of the collusion we saw in MLB in hte 80's. Keep the talent pool off the market.
  16. Yeah and another guy was NotoriousCPC. The doctor thing wasn’t about forcing people to be doctors necessarily. It was that if you say it’s a right then it’s means you can force people into providing a service. Like if you have a right to auto care then a mechanic has a legal and moral obligation to fix it for free. I am sure I mad that argument myself. But I can immediately refute it by saying they should be paid. By the government. The government should provide for that right. But then the nonsense would be the government doesn’t provide rights. God does. pfife was your avatar Alan Alda? I think I changed mine to Toby Keith. Or maybe you did. We were joking about it.
  17. I think so. But we do have the right to own a big ass gun.
  18. He's on the facebook and mostly posts about going to Tiger games. Nothint really political anymore unless he has another account. I see him at games and other Tiger events here and there. He comes to visit sometimes. I think people who say privilege often say it that way to imply you should take it seriously and do your research, that many people didn't have the right and the privilege/fortune we have to live in a county where it is indeed a right.
  19. You can't realisitically project if anyone is going to even reach 3000 hits again. Anybody who would reach it is just a guess right now based on the active leaders. Freddie Freeman is the active leader at 2100+ and he's 34.
  20. and he qualifies his statements in such an insfufferable way that he's technically never wrong. I look for pundits to clear out the weeds for me and do the dirty work and give me the straight dope as best they can. It's ok to just come out and say "This is what I think will happen based on....." and if you are wrong, so be it. we can all see it. But don't try to hedge your bets and look for cover. Be a man. Own it.
  21. I think if you are searching enough for a data point to confirm a theory then you can find it in a primary election like this with so many unusual variables. Two incumbents from the last election, a third party, a passionate issue like abortion, a clear divide on one side with a since departed candidate, early voting.... You can find what you need but I'm not convinced that's reliable. The theory is sound but I don't think these things necessarily show it. That's my best Nate Silver impersonation.
  22. Baez not helping Maeda there.
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