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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. I count 7 guys on the 40 today I don't think would be losses so I'd be willing to protect some new guys.
  2. Wentz was lights out when the showed up at Erie in 2019. It was only a handful of games but he dominated so that got people charged up. In his come back from TJ he was putting up good BA against but still hadn't gotten his walk rate back down where it needs to be as the season ended. But command is the usually the last thing that comes back, so we'll see.
  3. so Boyle is ahead of Blough on the depth chart? How do they even tell them apart? They seem to be the same guy.
  4. you'd get a glaring disparity between the international players and the domestic college players. Although OTOH for the same reason it might make a lot of guys more interested in going to the minors at 18 instead of college. Don't really know if that's good or bad but it could be a reversal of the trend.
  5. Kind of funny looking actually. Holds his torso very straight up - but sure, no excess moving parts.
  6. and one that all the baby boomer couch potatoes remember for stealing their quarters at that.....
  7. No question - he could come out flat ST and they leave him in Toledo to ripen, but if so it's not going to be based on the way he finished in '21.
  8. Really, how do you figure, the HRs were in 4 different games, a double was in another different game, and they walked him twice the one night he didn't have a hit
  9. are we reading the same data? From 9/23 forward, in 9 games I see 6BB, 2 singles, 4 doubles and 4 HR and a 9 game on base streak. That's out of steam? Struggles at the end?
  10. I find myself with very mixed feelings about this!
  11. Very curious what this Board is going to do with his replacement search.
  12. well, there is still a huge swing in the what the after taste of this season will be pending the next two games. If he loses to Maryland or beats OSU the conversations will shift a bit.
  13. man you are a tough audience. I thought Manning showed the potential to be dominating, when he commanded his secondaries. But last season he was like where Mize was in 2020, rough, but too good to learn anything else against AAA hitters. He needs/needed the challenge of throwing all his pitches to big leaguers to sort out what is going to work for him and make the needed adjustments - like Mize had to move from the Split to more sliders once he faced big-leaguers.
  14. If Wade decided to chase a new coach and raised *all* the needed money from the outside, I don't think Schlissel would care one way or the other about Harbaugh's future. OTOH, I am willing to wager he's not going to allow the signing of a big unfunded coaching contract as one of his last acts. In all the time he has been here I don't think I've ever heard him say more than a perfunctory word about football. I really don't think he personally gives a rat's asz about it beyond the raw financial ramifications of winning and losing.
  15. That's sort of my point - that they had pretty much lost confidence in the passing game - or at least in a balanced attack, before Goff even hurt himself on that throw. Maybe he was ailing before, whatever. And no doubt it was a good strategy until Nelson went down and Pittsburgh brought everyone up. Under normal circumstance that's when your QB gashes them for some big plays and puts the game away.
  16. Slow start yes, but he OPS'd 994 for his 87 AB in September with a HR per 11AB.
  17. Ah - that's an example where the dance can get complex. If you are ownership and you know you are angling for contract length caps are you going give away in Nov what the league would "make" you keep in your pocket in the Spring?
  18. I think from the teams'. If you are going to give a guy $20M/yr, that's a garden variety contract and the conditions around it probably won't change pending whatever happens in the CBA. But I don't want to be 'making the market' with a deal where a change in the CBA actually could mean I haven't optimized my expenditure. And conversely if teams aren't anxious to bid, the top players are going to hold out till they do. ..Now of course Correa will sign tomorrow!
  19. One last thought about this game though..... The reports out now are that Goff supposedly hurt himself on the long throw early in the game. But they just happened to have a new super jumbo run formation prepped for this game because they *hadn't* already committed to Goff not throwing much?
  20. I guess he's still not actually talking about the injury though, is he? He's just bitching about people questioning him. But he's not going to move that needle with social media posts anyway. This is the case where "shut up and play" is probably the best advice. Going out and re-establishing yourself as a good football player will quell the fans' doubts better than anything he can post on social media
  21. anything is possible but I would put my money on the very top FAs like Correa and Seager and probably Scherzer, not being signed until after a CBA is in place.
  22. The other change was that in the reworked deal there is relatively little buyout money owed him if they terminate him.
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