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Everything posted by Sports_Freak

  1. Yeah, I say the same trash every season. We got Hutchinson!!
  2. Who's career are we going to destroy by drafting him at #2? 😅😅
  3. Think we'll win a game on this trip?
  4. Bet he uses Soto too if the situation calls for him.
  5. He wad facing the heart of the Twins lineup and didn't give in to them. Made them try to hit HIS pitch. Yes, they were all over the place but who knows, maybe that's the reason they couldn't square it up. At the end of the day. Fulmer's outing was down the list of things for us to be complaining about in the loss.
  6. And it woulda been the 2nd out. I say Soto would have saved that game. It would have been a miracle with his opening wildness though.
  7. Ok...he lost the game for us. Has he even given up a run this season? Must just be luck. 🤣🤣
  8. So if he would have grooved some fastballs right down the middle and they hit 3 home runs, you would say at least he threw strikes? There's an art to being effectively wild. And yes, luck was involved. Sometimes it's better to be lucky than good.
  9. Wasn't worse? He faced the heart of their lineup and didn't give up any runs. Never gave into them, made them swing at his pitches. I only wish Soto would have pitched as bad as Fulmer and not allowed any runs to score
  10. Fulmer had the much more dangerous part of the Twins lineup to face. He didn't give up any runs. He threw more balls than strikes? Good, he didn't just pitch to their power, he kept the ball away from them and let them get themselves out.
  11. No reason to panic in a single game in 30⁰ weather. Soto will be fine with enough work to stay sharp. The guy has really good stuff.
  12. I agree 100%. I like Hinch but this loss is on him. And being a stand up guy, he would probably admit it.
  13. Yeah, he had some tough hitters though.
  14. Old Exhibition Stadium in Toronto had some really bad seats too. But sitting behind a post at Tiger Stadium made criminals out of many fans.
  15. They could have just used a giant baggie like their last domed stadium.
  16. I have a friend I've known since the 2nd grade. It seems like the only time we talk anymore is when someone we both know/knew passes away. Yeah, I haven't heard from him in a while. 🤫
  17. I concur. I would purchase something like we that. But I guess it's being offered to Miggy. Speaking of Miggy, the announcers on Bally said he wanted the ball. But so did the Hall of Fame. I wonder if he gets the choice or if MLB would take possession of it?
  18. The Lions may get Hutchinson, if they want him.
  19. Baez should play in 130 to 145 games per season.
  20. Yes, Pineda could give us a lot of innings. My concern is if they call up more young pitchers, we'll need to limit their innings like we did for the youngsters last season. And God forbid any more SP injuries....it's only April. Like I heard Sparky say one time, you can't win a division but you can lose it.
  21. Agreed. Especially as much as they've been used. Bullpens decide many of the games.
  22. So, Mize, Manning, Chafin, Funkhouser, Cisnero, Turnbull and Boyd all hurt in the last year. Am I missing any? Tigers pitchers are snakebit. That's almost a whole ML pitching staff.
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