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Everything posted by Hongbit

  1. It’s amazing that two groups founded on fighting Nazis, racists, and corrupt cops became the sworn enemies of the Trumpies. Tells you all you really need to know.
  2. My prediction is that Vlad is will enter Ukraine and spend a few weeks doing more saber rattling than actual wartime damage. He will walk away from the negotiation table with all the Western leaders and as tensions rise towards possible WW3, he will choose to negotiate with his favorite asset, Trump. Vlad backs down and Trump takes credit and launches his campaign back to the White House. The plan all along was to get Russia back in control of the White House and not Kiev.
  3. The Olympics are an aging dinosaur that doesn’t seem to acknowledge its declining interest. It’s become more of a business and marketing venture than an athletic competition Even so, I’ll be staying up tonight as there isn’t much better for a hockey fan than USA and Canada going at it on Olympic ice.
  4. Burks is my preferred of the entire group but he be long gone. London is a physical beast but lacks speed. If he’s around when we pick it’s because he ran a slow 40 I’m not really an Olave or Mechie fan and have no idea what to make of Jamison Williams.
  5. I am a Dotson fan. I think his size is similar to St. Brown but I expect he will run in the low 4.3 and possibly in 4.2s. and put up a vertical higher than 40. I see him as more of a deep threat than a slot guy.
  6. Hoping we will here rumors of what the Pistons turned down for Grant but doubt that will get out.
  7. Lol. I’ll just say Urban. It means the same thing in less words.
  8. I don’t understand the fascination some teams have for 2nd round picks. There are a few little nuggets here and there but the majority seem pretty worthless. I’m glad that Troy seems feel the same way that I do.
  9. Remember their goal isn’t to actually do anything that truly impacts Russia. The goal is to make them look tough on Russia to their constituents so they can campaign on it even though they are probably taking donations from Russian interests.
  10. I think they will find a way to send him to Portland to be with his boy Dame. Would like Simons but would be happy with a 1st and some expiring contracts
  11. At this stage there are so many clickbait mocks where writers are changing it up just to get views since nobody wants to keep seeing the same names and places for months on end. These guys neee content after all I think Neal should fall in line as the unanimous top tackle when it comes time for pundits to put out their final mocks.
  12. Slightly off subject but Valenti was talking about the idea of Urban landing at Auburn. How perfect of a fit would that be. He could do whatever slimy, shady shit he wanted and they would happily support and encourage it.
  13. They need a guy that will fall in line and can easily be pushed aside when they try to convince Payton to come back in 2023.
  14. Evan Neal is the best player in this draft
  15. Willis helped himself considerably at the Senior Bowl. He may even be the 1st off the board if he has a strong combine and pro day.
  16. Getting tight with the parents is a crucial part of recruiting.
  17. Vax rates are probably a pretty reliable statistic to compare from state to state as one must got to some type of professional that documents the treatment. Covid rate is totally different and very difficult to accurately measure at this point. How many millions tested positive via home test or had symptoms and stayed home for 5 days without ever going to a doctor. There’s no way to account for these people. Nobody is self reporting these numbers. It’s certainly plausible that positive numbers per state are skewed not by the actual virus but the method people chose to test or get treatment.
  18. A Lynn would’ve been great for the Lions in the Duce Staley role. It sounds like that’s what he’ll do in SF.
  19. I think we will start to see many more ex players join the coaching ranks as the assistant money has started to skyrocket. It used to be you started on the bottom and worked their way up making next to nothing. Not as much any more especially at the college level. It’s crazy what college assistants are making these days. Since the majority of players are black, they should start to saturate the coaching ranks here in the coming years.
  20. I think the difference is Belichick doesn’t call plays. His coordinators still do that during the game unlike Bieniemy.
  21. Maybe I’m wrong here but I think the biggest reason that Bieniemy is getting left out is he’s the OC for Andy Reid and the assumption is that all of the Chiefs success is because of Reid and not Bieniemy.
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