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Everything posted by Archie

  1. Sure, If you don't want it don't get it. I've got it and I'm going tomorrow to get the booster.
  2. They may have showed up if it was an unbiased hearing with unbiased members but it's just another political sham like the impeachment ran by democrats. Nutty Nancy already had the verdict in before the committee was formed.
  3. If you want to take the vaccine then take it. If not then in should not be mandated. Injecting chemicals in someones body should be their choice.
  4. Unfortunately I don't think these kind of things will ever end. Bad people will do bad things to others. If they don't have a bomb, gun or knife they will use something else. This country is not getting any safer especially with the open door policy going on now.
  5. The hiring of Ausmus had a little something to do with the team crashing down too.
  6. You're so funny. Let me know if you ever have anything worthwhile to add.
  7. They probably took the day off work to help save their country. I didn't see any violence so we know there wasn't any liberal protestors in the group.
  8. I just learned something...I'm going to have to start watching AMC! Seriously, they should fall under the same guidelines as TV. There are too many stupid people that think if FB said it they think it's true. Plus FB is global and its been proven people from other countries are trying to influence our elections through FB.
  9. Contraction is a good idea. Let's start with the White Sox. Right before covid we spent a few nights in Nashville. The Predators had a home game one of those nights and everything in downtown was packed with people in Predator shirts and jerseys. I assume its like that for every home game. I know hockey is different than baseball but I think that area could easily support a team. I don't care about NFL so have no idea about the support they have for the football team.
  10. There are several problems with those sites. I agree on the privacy issues. If you want privacy then don't share stuff. I think the biggest problem with mainly FB and Twitter is that they are so big and reach tons of people. Because of that they have a big influence on elections. They decide what they want their members to see and they decide what is real or not and it's not always true. There needs to be some rules or laws around elections and these sites. TV stations air commercials that contain half truths but they're laws saying they must offer the opposition equal time. I don't think social media falls under the same guidelines and I would bet they reach more people than TV or its at least close.
  11. I was just saying why some people are unhappy. I think FB will be responsible for their own demise eventually.
  12. Can't say I'm sad to see the Yankees out of it. Now I'm hoping the Cards can send the Dodgers packing tonight.
  13. FB deleted or mark posts they consider false. Then they feel its ok to spread their own false info. I think that's why people think this is a big deal.
  14. Even a short strike will do a lot of damage. Fans haven't forgot all the problems they had just starting the 2019 season because both sides were playing games. Baseball owners and players need to realize they aren't the ones holding all the cards, its the fans. No fans = no spectators or TV viewers.
  15. In our area there aren't many places requiring masks. I've had doctor and dentist appointments in the last six weeks and neither required me to wear a mask in the office. My doctor did convince me to get the Phizer booster so going Thursday for the booster. I'm not excited about getting all these injections but its better than having a serious lung issue and getting covid.
  16. Of all the places Biden could go why would they choose Howell? Did they not realize the likelihood there would be more protestors than supporters?
  17. Charlotte and Nashville are probably too close together to get an expansion team at the same time. I still think Nashville gets one first.
  18. There's a lot of established starters available and Al has signed one or two the last few years. This year we would prefer he signs a GOOD established starter.
  19. I think Nashville would be a frontrunner for an expansion team. In that case i would move Toronto to the east, Rays to the south and Nashville in the north.
  20. Last game I watched with West behind the plate he was terrible. It would of been an improvement if he was 90% correct. I think Joe is making a good decision and Angel Hernandez should follow him out the door.
  21. That sounds familiar and like a good plan.
  22. I think JV is too much of a gamble for the tigers to sign unless they get him very cheap. He's not a young guy anymore but mainly he's coming off a major surgery. Tigers need to be smart with their spending and dumping a bundle on JV doesn't seem like a smart move for them at this time.
  23. If you don't know what's happened over the last year and a half you are very uninformed, not paying attention, blinded by your alligance to your political party or most likely, All of the above.
  24. I'm not sure if it's reading or comprehension you are having a problem with. If you think Trump was behind the long lockdowns in some states you are very uninformed. The states with the long lock downs had democrat governors like MI and CA. When those states closed businesses guess what??? Unemployment increased!
  25. The big difference is nothing is locked down now and thing are returning to normal. The vaccines are helping that. The fact that the lockdowns have ended are what has helped the jobs to return. The virus is still present in the country and bad at times in some places. The recent spike was the worst ever in some places. Is that clear enough?
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