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Everything posted by oblong

  1. What laws? Electoral laws meant he never should have been on a ballot. I guess I don’t understand your point. People here are saying Trump’s got a very good shot at reelection or whatever you’d call it and you appear to agree but want to throw out some “but..”. After the polling disasters we saw in 2016 and 2020 I don’t have much appetite for political analysts who think it’s still 1996. I’ve unfollowed Nate and the 538 crew and a few others. I don’t think they know what they are talking about.
  2. Trump got 9M more votes in 2020 and almost a point higher of the share. the 2020 election was pretty much as close as 2016. After 5 years of utter bullshit and 2 impeachment’s…
  3. I’m very picky on that. It’s hard to find gym shorts in my size, XL, that do not touch the top of my knee. I hate that. They gotta be about an inch above my kneecap when standing. Most I can find fit like Fab Four basketball shorts. When doing things like lunges or burpees I am always paranoid they will catch on my knee when moving.
  4. He doesn’t need to add voters. Just let the other side lose more. Let the D infighting lead to another Bernie type to run third party. He could do What Obama did in 2012… Romney lost on turnout.
  5. I don’t think Jan 6 will sway one Trump voter from 2020. I really don’t. The GOP will get behind him. Always have.
  6. Absolutely. I thought you were going to wear cargo shorts. I would have been cool with that. for me the cargo shorts have to be on the shorter side. Not saying magnum PI shirt but above the knee. No Jorts.
  7. you don't have to answer but... do you live in the neighborhood?
  8. The problem with Trump running is who will be on the D side that can beat him? Yes Biden did already but he's at that point in his life where he will go downhill fast, at least in terms of appearance and cadence and presentation does matter. So we're back to a lineup of Harris, Klobuchar, Buttigieg, Beto..... would Gavin Newsom run?
  9. As a kid that is how I learned presidents. I wonder how many streets there are named after Harding? And you also have the prestigious universities. Harvard. Yale. Princeton. Tulane. Cornell. Some of those streets go pretty far south. did you know the main road going south a long time ago was Pardee? Like to Monroe or Toledo? It wasn’t Telegraph. That’s just where the Telegraph line ran.
  10. Wonder if that represents new positions or openings from people leaving? Hopefully the former and a result of the recent promotions and a new direction
  11. There is something to be said I think for long layoffs. From March to October these guys are playing every day nearly. At the end you give them 5-7 days off I think that introduces rust. I firmly believe that’s why the Tigers were so listless in game 1 of the 2006 SS, especially hitting. The timing gets thrown off. Baseball is so reactionary.
  12. That’s good. I switched over to ATL. I do think the best of 5 series hurts the team with games 3-4. Remember when the tigers in 2012 had to play Oakland in 2-3 format? That was when they added the wild card play in game at the last minute so the first round was 2-3 instead of 2-2-1.
  13. Biff.. what do I think of Signs?
  14. Good to know. Only other sport I really watch is hockey and they got rid of Don Cherry
  15. We are following the same pattern as the spring where everyone else went down and we went up. The growth is much slower this time. Previous cycles lasted two months. We are two months into a slow climb.
  16. But I think that’s the point. I like this setup better, with two WC teams in one game, than the old way where one wild card team was treated equally to division winners. These teams didn’t win their division so let them have the stress of a one gamer and let division winners reset their rotations. A best of 3 is almost as random as a one game playoff and I don’t want to stretch out the playoffs any more. I think this current setup is about as good as can be expected given what the league wants.
  17. I've read his metrics on defense have fallen....
  18. Not sure if this is just a promo that goes away before tomorrow but MLB Network is now showing up on my cable. It wasn't there last week. First game tomorrow is on MLB and I was actually going to upgrade my sub level to get it. Now I'm not so sure if I need to.
  19. was it though? Maybe Chris Ilitch understands more than any of us since it affects their personal wealth what the free spending his dad took part in did to their bottom line the last 7 years. Its possibly an indictment of Dombrowski and Mike Ilitch. Dombrowski was fired and Mike Ilitch is dead and the only ones who care about talking about that part of his legacy are the family. They might agree with Al in that regard.
  20. My neighborhood facebook page consists mainly of people asking if anyone else is having issues with AT&T U Verse or WOW Cable.
  21. Aducci is working on a treaty to give Toledo back to the state of Michigan
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