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Everything posted by Hongbit

  1. I’m not surprised they jumped GB but shocked that Arnold was still there.
  2. All of these QB’s off the board means fewer calls from teams wanting the Lions #29. Think they will pick…or maybe move up.
  3. The Bears offense has gotten a lot better so far this offseason.
  4. Interested to see if Chicago goes OT or WR?
  5. I was thinking that earlier. Could be a late and very cold evening.
  6. Welcome To The NFL Draft in The Detroit!!!
  7. I’m a follower and posted in the other one because of peer pressure. I can start posting here for the same reason.
  8. Amazing Job Detroit! I can only imagine how strong the smell of weed must be.
  9. Should I watch ESPN or NFL Network?
  10. Cooper Dejean has long seemed like an ideal Brad Holmes Lions pick. He checks off all the boxes. If he’s still there in the early 20’s, I can very well see him jumping up in front of Green Bay to ensure they don’t lose him to a division rival.
  11. It’s like he’s a magician out there.
  12. One of the challenges they are going to face is a surplus of NHL ready young defenseman. This isn’t an issue when you are still in full rebuild mode but you can’t expect to compete for the playoffs with 4 young defenseman. You also can’t expect them to learn the nuance of playing proper defense in the NHL by watching each other and listening to coaches. They need to be paired with a veteran. This is where they are going to have to keep an extra vet around even though the kids are better players and a bigger part of the future.
  13. I hope they mention Wade Boggs drank 83 beers after the game to celebrate his 3000th.
  14. It’s not out of the realm for Brad. He learned at the Rams that once you reach a certain talent level the 1’s aren’t as essential. It’s more important to hit on the 3rd and 4th rounders. The Lions are at this point on their roster.
  15. He’s not coming back. He played this year to show the league that he could come back from a difficult injury at his age and still be productive. He did just that and will now have his pick of cup contenders to choose from. Maybe even someone like a Buffalo, who’s not a cup contender but is dumb enough to overpay and term for him. Stevie is too smart do that.
  16. Yield is my favorite followed closely by No Code and Avocado. End of the day though, this is a live band and the studio albums don’t do them justice. They’ve done a great job of making their bootlegs accessible. It’s nice to see them back out on the road more regularly. The shows last 9 years have been so sparse that it’s been hard to justify their place among the greatest touring bands. I’m sure they will do that again this summer. @ewsieg find a copy of 10/17/14 - Moline, IL. You will love it. Edit: it’s on YouTube with video but won’t let me link to if from here.
  17. Not surprising results but the percentages open eyes. 1st Rd WR is a really bad bet.
  18. Is this the result of the GOP’s choice to fight abortion to appease the Bible Belt coming back to bite them in other places?
  19. Thankfully Mat Ishbia already has dibs on this trainwreck in Phoenix.
  20. If only Troy Weaver had a 4th 1st rounder in the 2020 draft.
  21. They’ve been a few steps ahead of the league since before the expansion draft. Props to their leadership for finding loopholes and taking advantage of them.
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