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Hardknocks/Preseason Thread - Including OTAs


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The offseason is over. Lions currently in an OTA, which concludes tomorrow. Lions will have mandatory minicamp June 5th - 7th.  There will also be OTAs June 13th - 16th.

This year we get an extra treat with the lions be featured on Hardknocks.  This is a tough season to predict, really interested in seeing the progress from last year.  

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Really hard to come back from an Achilles. Okudah has had a rough go of it since he was drafted by quinn.  Really enjoyed watching this interview though. He has a good head on his shoulders and seems easy to root for (now, at least). Can only hope for the best hear, expectations are low. A big on known for the lions. 

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My expectations with Okudah start with making the roster. It seems far fetched to think he won't, but the bar is so low that I'm just placing on the floor and starting with make the roster first. From there, once it is confirmed he will be apart of the 53 man roster, it's for him to at least win the starting job coming out preseason. I know he's been bitten by the injury bug a lot, but even when he has been on the field he's gotten roasted and looked completely out of place in coverage. I really hope we have a competent starting CB with this guy, but I am not counting on it at this point. I am counting on this being Quinn's last parting, sorry ass gift out of town.

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On 6/2/2022 at 11:29 PM, TP_Fan said:

The offseason is over. Lions currently in an OTA, which concludes tomorrow. Lions will have mandatory minicamp June 5th - 7th.  There will also be OTAs June 13th - 16th.

This year we get an extra treat with the lions be featured on Hardknocks.  This is a tough season to predict, really interested in seeing the progress from last year.  

Man...you are going to HATE me in this thread.  🤣

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Pro Football Outsiders came out with their "top prospects" list. They classified it as any player drafted between 2019 and 2021 after the 2nd round and have played less than 600 career snaps. 

They named 20 guys with 3 of the top 12 being Lions. They had Mcneil at 9, J. Okwara at 11 and Melinfowu at 12.

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22 hours ago, Mr.TaterSalad said:

I don't think I've been this excited for a season to start since 2012 when I thought this team would build off their 2011 success. I am legit excited for the Lions.

I’m with you but unfortunately we know how this story ends, my friend.  

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1 hour ago, Motown Bombers said:


Alternate title: fringe offensive lineman gets hurt and subsequently cut after being drafted over and not appearing for voluntary workouts; doesn’t like it.

If it were to come out that other NFL teams would pay him, in a similar position, that would be one thing. But it won’t, because this is standard business in the NFL.

His gripe should really be with the NFLPA if he doesn’t think he’s being suitably compensated for what he put in.

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53 minutes ago, MichiganCardinal said:

Alternate title: fringe offensive lineman gets hurt and subsequently cut after being drafted over and not appearing for voluntary workouts; doesn’t like it.

If it were to come out that other NFL teams would pay him, in a similar position, that would be one thing. But it won’t, because this is standard business in the NFL.

His gripe should really be with the NFLPA if he doesn’t think he’s being suitably compensated for what he put in.

From what I have seen from other sources is that he is claiming the Lions, particularly Campbell and Holmes, essentially downplayed his injury and didn't take him serious when he said his back wasn't right. He's the only one so far who has said something like this towards this current regime. I find it a bit hard to believe since Campbell is a former player who suffered a serious season ending injury while with the Lions.

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23 minutes ago, Motown Bombers said:

From what I have seen from other sources is that he is claiming the Lions, particularly Campbell and Holmes, essentially downplayed his injury and didn't take him serious when he said his back wasn't right. He's the only one so far who has said something like this towards this current regime. I find it a bit hard to believe since Campbell is a former player who suffered a serious season ending injury while with the Lions.

My guess is the team essentially wrote him off when he elected to not take part in the voluntary off-season program last spring with a reason he was “homesick from family after not seeing them after covid”.     He was a late round backup that really needed all the extra reps he could get for his development.  Declining those workouts for any reason would hinder him but doing it for that excuse was a death blow for his future as a NFL player.   Tough to to lose that not a hard worker and doesnt care enough about football label once it gets stuck to you.  

Edited by Hongbit
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Fan win projection after tonight will be +3 games AT LEAST.  Eating the corn bread and drinking the kool aid.  This team will not win more than 6 games.  Why are we gushing about that?  I kinda get it...good draft picks, we think we got the right coach now....but that is basically every regime change.

Go out and surprise us and win 8-9 games and I will be impressed.

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Lions fans are going to be blue lipped from all that Kool Aid after Hard Knocks airs tonight for sure. I wouldn't say I've guzzled down a jug of Honolulu blue Kool Aid just yet, but I've been sipping on it for sure.

As I said previously, things feel different under Brad Holmes, this isn't just the usual hype of having a new coach or GM that quickly fades once they step onto the field. It feels like this organization is making smart moves that they have not in the past from a roster stand point by drafting talented players without reaching, not trying to draft solely for scheme fit, valuing the intangibles like speed and athleticism that you can't teach, getting high football IQ guys, and leaders on the field. This offseason and last also proved their prudence with managing the salary cap. They could have blown the bank to try and rush the rebuild, ala Jacksonville and Trent Baalke, but they did not. They stayed patient and made smart signings. All things largely neglected by prior regimes. It feels different in a good way not just because myself or any fan says so, but because the moves they are roster moves that seem to be building in a positive directions.

I'm hyped because Brad Holmes has given us as fans legitimate reasons to feel this way for once. Maybe Holmes hasn't made the right moves and these guys end up being busts. But so far, it seems so good. Coaching and this staff still remain my biggest question marks. I don't feel I can say one way or another, based on last years horrific roster that the staff had to work with, whether or not our coaching staff is any good. Time will tell on that one as the season progresses. Brad Holmes has got me hyped and ready for Hard Knocks tonight in a way I wouldn't have been if Quinn, Patricia, Mayhew, or  Caldwell were still around.

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